Welcome to the Guidance & Counseling

  • The guidance department provides a very important service to the total school population. Guidance and counseling involves the process of consulting, providing information and coordinating services for all students. Students, parents, and teachers are encouraged to use the services provided by the counselor. Our counselor works with students to provide academic and/or personal guidance when needed. Students often want to see their counselor about their current classes, test interpretations, school, peer, or family problems, educational planning, and vocational information.

    Valley High students have the opportunity to consult with the counselor about:

    School or Educational Issues-grades, attendance, course selection, schedule changes, test scores, graduation requirements, various school programs (North Kern Vocational Training Center, P.A.S.S., Summer School, PACT, Delano High School, Cesar Chavez High School, Robert F. Kennedy High School, ELD, Special Education, Work Experience, etc.), progress reports, teachers, study habits, conferences, and progress towards graduation.

    Career Planning-job market, vocational aptitude results, ASVAB scores, SAT/ACT scores, making choices, interest, four-year plan, college majors, college entrance requirements (exams, grades, etc.) cost of college, trade schools, military, which schools are best.

    Personal matters-self-image, drugs/alcohol/physical abuse, fear/hopes, peer problems, family changes, pregnancy, motivation, depression, gang affiliation, drop-out prevention, grief, community resources, values and conflicts.

    A student needing to see his/her counselor should sign up on the board outside the counselor's office. The counselor is available before and after school and during lunchtime.