Attendance Policies

  • Teacher with Apple Valley High School's attendance policy is similar to those of the comprehensive high schools.  Absence for a court or medical appointment is excused when proper documentation is brought to the school office, verifying the date of the appointment/absence.  All other absences are unexcused.  A phone call (661-720-4181 or 661-720-4374) or note may be brought to the school office, which must indicate the date of absence and must be signed by a parent/guardian.  Students who are absent 1 or more periods during the day will be placed on an automated absence list, which will automatically call the student's residence, informing the parent/guardian of their child's absence.

    Because good attendance practices are closely related to academic achievement and success, Valley High School requires that all students attend school at a 90% rate.  It is ultimately the responsibility of the student and their parents/'guardians to ensure that good attendance procedures are followed, however, it is our desire that parents/guardians work collaboratively and cooperatively with the Principal's office regarding their child.  Parents/guardians are also encouraged to request their student's attendance printouts from the front office.