When: Monday-Friday (Closed holidays)

    Times: 1:00pm - 2:15pm

    Cost: $10 (cash only) for three exams. If you want to test again, you will need to come back the following day.  

    Bring some form of picture ID

    No appointment necessary, but please call ahead to make sure we are available to test. You may call 661-720-4171.

    SUMMER SCHEDULE: June 7 through July 30 ----Except Fourth of July week, we will be closed

    When:  Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays

    Time: 4:00pm - 4:45pm

    Cost: $10 (cash only) for three exams. If you want to test again, you will need to come back the following day.

    Must bring some form of picture ID.