
     Club and Sports Contacts

    Clubs and Organizations at Robert F. Kennedy High School serves to develop students, not only as productive members of society, but also as effective leaders. RFKHS students are encouraged to become involved in club(s)/sport(s) offered on the campus.

    1. Band
    Madison Spiegel mspiegel@djuhsd.org
    2. Baseball
    Jacob Fragoso jfragoso@djuhsd.org
    3. Basketball (Boys)
    Roden Leynes rleynes@djuhsd.org
    4. Basketball (Girls)
    Jesus Leyva jleyva@djuhsd.org
    5. Black Student Union
    Shade Staples sstaples@djuhsd.org
    6. Book Club
    Jacqulyn Guerriero jguerriero@djuhsd.org
    7. Cheerleading
    Natalie Fragoso nfragoso@djuhsd.org
    8. Choir
    Marlex Booc mbooc1@djuhsd.org
    9. Cross Country
    Rafael Gutierrez  rafaelgutierrez69@yahoo.com
    10. Football
    Mario Millan Coachmillan@yahoo.com
    11. Golf Boys
    Sam Salinas ssalinas@djuhsd.org
    12. Golf Girls TBD
    Angel Villalobos  avillalobos@djuhsd.org    
    13. HOSA
    Diane Alvarez Torres dtorres@djuhsd.org
    14. Legacy Yearbook
    Christina Giese cgiese@djuhsd.org
    15. Mock Trial
    Mark Booc mbooc@djuhsd.org
    16. Friday Night Lights
    Sarah Del Rio sdelrio@djuhsd.org
    17. Soccer (Boys)
    Martin Perales Martinpc77@icloud.com
    18. Soccer (Girls)
    Felipe Robles  feliperobles661@gmail.com
    19. Softball 
    Matthew Grijalva mgrijalva@djuhsd.org 
    20. Spanish Club
    Nancy Marquez ncruz@djuhsd.org
    21. Special Alliance
    Deanne Sanchez dsanchez@djuhsd.org
    22. Tennis Boys 
    Roden Leynes rleynes@djuhsd.org  
    23. Tennis Girls
    Roden Leynes rleynes@djuhsd.org
    24. Track & Field
    Antonio Medina amedina1@djuhsd.org
    28. United Filipino Organization
    Corina Veiss cveiss@djuhsd.org
    29. Volleyball
    Vanessa Demacabalin vdemac2114@gmail.com
    30. Wrestling
    Adrian Hernandez ahernandez2@djuhsd.org
    31. Class of 2025
    Christina Giese cgiese@djuhsd.org
    32. Class of 2026
    Antonio R. Medina amedina1@djuhsd.org
    33. Class of 2027
    Andrea Rabago arabago@djuhsd.org
    34. Class of 2028
    Antonio R. Medina amedina1@djuhsd.org
    35. Faith Club
    Adalia Gonzalez agonzalez1@djuhsd.org
    36. Anime Club
    Gabriel Lamantina glamantina@djuhsd.org