- Robert F. Kennedy High School
- School Plan for Student Achievement
About Us
Page Navigation
- Welcome
- About Our School
- Annual Notice
- Anti-Bullying Information
- Attendance
- Awards
- Bell Schedule
- Contact Us
- Dress Code Policy
- Graduation Requirements
- Maps and Directions
- Mission Statement
- Parent Student Information
- RFKHS Nondiscrimination Policy
- School Accountability Report Cards
- School Plan for Student Achievement
- Staff Directory
- Student Attendance Calendar
- Student Learning Outcomes
- Uniform Complaint Procedures & Williams Act
- Western Association of Schools and Colleges
A hard copy of the School Plan for Student Achievement is available in English or Spanish at the school site upon request. Please contact 661-720-5102.
Una copia del Plan Escolar está disponible en inglés o español en el sitio escolar a pedido. Comuníquese al 661-720-5102.
2017-2018 School Plan for Student Achievement
2017-2018 Single School Plan Revised after WASC visit.pdf 3.06 MB (Last Modified on November 4, 2020)