• We are very excited about the 2022-2023 school year and appreciate the support from the community as we take every step to preserve the health of students and staff while prioritizing in-person learning.

    Since the onset of the pandemic, Delano Joint Union High School District has followed state and local health guidance and directives to allow for full in-person instruction in the safest way possible. DJUHSD’s COVID-19 Safety Plan is continuously evolving to meet current health directives.

    This summer, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) released updated guidance for K-12 schools. Please note that mask wearing is still strongly recommended by the state and is an option for every student and staff member who wishes to wear one at any time. Other safety measures such as the daily self-screening, cleaning procedures, group exposure notifications, and improved air filtration will remain in place. 

    We appreciate the flexibility our students, staff, and community have demonstrated over the past two years. We know that schools are the best places for staff to teach and students to learn and we are committed to keeping them safe and open.


    DJUHSD utilizes a Group Contact Tracing Approach. Parents or guardians of students who may have been exposed to COVID-19 will be sent a message via text message, email, or phone call that will provide a specified date of exposure with a link to access further information and recommendations. The letter is provided at the following link:

    Group Exposure Letter

    Please continue to follow safety precautions and self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19. If your student develops COVID-like symptoms, is exposed outside school, or tests positive, you should contact your primary healthcare provider and/or have your student tested. Parents should contact the School Nurse at 661-720-5296.