Uniform Complaint Procedures Overview

  • A complaint under the Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) is a written and signed statement by an individual, public agency, or organization alleging a violation of federal or state laws governing certain educational programs. UCP are filed with the Associate Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services. 

    What educational programs and services are covered by the UCP? 

    • Adult Education 
    • After School Education and Safety 
    • Agricultural Vocational Education 
    • American Indian Education Centers and Early Childhood Education Program Assessments 
    • Career Technical Education 
    • Child Care and Development (including State Preschool) 
    • Child Nutrition 
    • Discrimination, harassment, intimidation, bullying, student lactation accommodations, and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ) resources 
    • Foster and Homeless Students 
    • Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAP) 
    • No Child Left Behind Act (2001) programs (Titles I-VII), including improving academic achievement, compensatory education, English learner programs, and migrant education (to be replaced by the Every Student Succeeds Act [ESSA] beginning in 2016-17) 
    • Physical Education: Instructional Minutes 
    • Pupil Instruction: Course Periods Without Educational Content or Previously Completed Courses 
    • Regional Occupational Centers and Programs 
    • Special Education 
    • Tobacco-Use Prevention Education 
    • Unlawful Pupil Fees 


    What issues are not covered by the UCP? 

    Not all complaints fall under the scope of the UCP. Many concerns are the responsibility of the LEA, including classroom assignments, common core, grades, graduation requirements, hiring and evaluation of staff, homework policies and practices, provision of core curricula subjects, public meeting laws (such as the Brown Act), student advancement and retention, student discipline, student records, and other general education requirements. The LEA, however, may use its local complaint procedures to address complaints not covered by the UCP.  

    In addition, the following complaints are referred to other agencies for resolution and not subject to the UCP:  

    • Allegations of child abuse are referred to County Departments of Social Services, Protective Services Divisions, or appropriate law enforcement agency. 
    • Health and safety complaints regarding a Child Development Program are referred to the Department of Social Services for licensed facilities, and to the appropriate Child Development regional administrator for licensing-exempt facilities. 
    • Employment complaints are sent to the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing. 
    • Allegations of fraud are referred to the responsible Division Director at the California Department of Education (CDE).