- Cesar E. Chavez High School
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Welcome to the Students Affairs Department
Welcome. At Cesar E. Chavez High School we are committed to a safe and secure campus for all our students, teachers, and staff members. Our goal is to provide a safe learning environment where college and career readiness is fostered, recognized, and celebrated.
Our CCHS PLEDGE to you, the Parent:
1.Every Student Receives a world class education, every day.
2.Every Student is equipped with the academic and technical skills to succeed in College, a Career and beyond.
3.Every Student develops the emotional maturity and social confidence to succeed and excel in life after high school.
4.Every Student benefits from a personalized educational learning plan suited for optimal academic placement and achievement.
5.Every Student is treated with the highest ideals of human dignity and respect.You can maximize your experience at CCHS by abiding by the following important policies and procedures:
ABSENCES - EXCUSED: The absence of a student from school/class shall be excused for only the following reasons (code = 1) ( ref. EC 46010):
A. Illness or quarantine.
B. Medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic services.
C. Funeral of immediate family member, limited to one day for services in California and three days for out-of-state (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, any relative living in the immediate household of the student).
D. Jury duty.
E. Up to five days in order to obtain proper immunization; (ref. EC 46010.5).
ABSENCES - RETURN: Students should bring their notes to the Attendance Office immediately upon arriving on campus after their absence. The Attendance Office is open at 7:30 a.m. Anytime a student is absent from a class or school for any reason, it is the obligation of the student to follow through on clarifying the reason for the absence. Students have three full days in order to clear their absence(s) either by parental note or phone call to 661-720-4650. If the absence(s) are not cleared within the three-day limit, teachers will send the student to the Discipline Office with a Student Attendance Referral. Consequences may include the following:
· First Offense - Warning.
· Second Offense - Detention.
· Third Offense – Intervention/ Parent Contact.
Absences that go unaddressed for more than twenty school days after the date of absence will be changed from an unresolved status (code = A) to truant (code = 7). Parents will then be unable to excuse the absence. After the twenty-day rule is applied, absences can only be adjusted by administrative authority. Students may be required to serve detention or Saturday School to clear any absences beyond this twenty-day limit, in addition to the penalties associated with the failure to provide the teacher a readmit within the three-day limit.
For more information, please contact:
Prisela Ayon
Discipline Secretary