Welcome to Academic Decathlon

  • 2012-2013 Titan Academic Decathlon Team

    February 2, 2013, our CCHS Titan Academic Decathlon Team competed head to head against the best and brightest students in the area. Congratulations goes to the Academic Decathlon team, Mr. Brenna, and coaches for achieving 3rd place at the 2013 Academic Decathlon competition! Myla Garcia received a gold medal for interview, Taylor Wyrick medaled bronze fro interview, Humberto Chairez medaled bronze for art, Javier Contreras medaled silver for Literature and Music and bronze in Science, and Luiss Flores medaled gold for Science and Economics, silver in Literature and Music, and bronze for Mathematics and 3rd overall for Scholastic category. Marvelous performance Decathletes!

    Nine academic decathlon students wearing their acadeca black polo