Welcome to the Maintenance and Operations Department

  • Welcome to the Maintenance and Operations Department of the Delano Joint Union High School District. Our goal is to provide and maintain a safe, efficient and clean learning environment for students and staff at all of our sites. We are  fortunate to have  motivated  staff who have tremendous pride in their work.  Our focus is to provide facilities and athletic fields that everyone can use and enjoy.Our department provides the following services:   Facilities maintenance, custodial services and grounds maintenance.

    It is the mission of the Maintenance Operations and Transportation Department to provide for the safe operation of our school buses and provide a clean/working environment in which to learn.

    For more information, please contact:

    Robert Avila, Director of MOT

    Delano Joint Union High School District 

    1747 Princeton Street, Delano, CA 93215 

    Office: (661) 720-4198 

    email: ravila@djuhsd.org


    Rebecca Ordoñez,  MOT Secretary

    Delano Joint Union High School District 

    1747 Princeton Street, CA 93215 

    Office: (661) 720-4235  

    email:  rordonez@djuhsd.org 


    Susana Perez, Facilities and Maintenance Secretary

    Delano Joint Union High School District 

    1747 Princeton Street, Delano, CA 93215 

    Office: (661) 720-4309  

    email: sperez@djuhsd.org 



    Maintenance and Operations Staff