- Delano High School
- Tiger Skills
About Us
Page Navigation
- Welcome
- About Our School
- Annual Notice to Parents
- Anti-Bullying
- Attendance
- Awards & Recognitions
- Bell Schedules
- Tiger Skills
- Graduation Requirements
- Maps and Directions
- Mission Statement
- Parent Compact
- Parent Involvement Policy
- School Accountability Report Cards
- Single Plan for Student Achievement
- Staff Directory
- Student Attendance Calendar
- Title II, Title 5, Title IX Officer
- Uniform Complaint Procedures & Williams Act
- Western Association of Schools and Colleges
- Video Gallery
- Contact Us
- Title II, 5, IX and 504 Coordinator Notice (English)
- Title II, 5, IX and 504 Coordinator Notice (Spanish)
Tiger Skills
Delano High School expects that each day, in every classroom, and in every co-curricular setting, all students exemplify three fundamental attributes valued in our school community.
Pass all of your classes with a C or better and make learning a high priority.
Improve on state-mandated assessments
Acquire the skills to be college and career readyHAVE EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION SKILLS
Collaborate in small group and whole class discussions, as well as conduct class presentations
Write and speak in grammatically correct sentencesSHOW PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY
Come to class prepared, on time each day ready to engage in the learning process, every day
Understand that your effort equals your success
Develop a growth mindset and become a life-long learner
Make a positive contribution to your community