
  • The DJUHSD is proud to feature a Career and Technical Education (CTE) program specifically designed to enhance the quality of education and increase the postsecondary career choices and opportunities of our students.

    Our CTE programs’ mission is to provide students with skills necessary for a successful transition to postsecondary education or work and a desire for life-long learning in a global society.  Our CTE programs are planned course sequences of high quality academic core content and technical skills which focus on a  specific career path and prepares students to successfully transition toward their career goal.

    We believe that a strong and vibrant career and technical education is an essential component of the high school curriculum.  For many students, it represents as much as a third of their high school experience.  It is a critical component in meeting the needs of students in  academic achievement, career exploration, career preparation, and leadership development.  Successful  transition to postsecondary education, work, or the military is one of the goals of our CTE program.


For more information, please contact:

  • Paul Chavez

    Director of Career Technical Education